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Fireside Nylon Guitar

Fireside Nylon Guitar

Product Information

New March 21 

The Fireside Nylon for Reason The guitar itself was made in Paracho Mexico, a place basically known only for building guitars-- it's mostly all they do from low end, and then middle range to the very high they do it by hand. However, this is not a high end classical, but something you might hear in real life around a campfire of the south western past or today in the present around a hippy fire. At times the nylon actually has a very steel stringy southwestern twang. It was recorded though in ultra realism- vintage AKG 414s through API preamps (which we love) and A2D, 24/48. There are in fact up to 18 samples per each note. It has round robins (random samples that play alternate versions) , multiple velo layers and more. The attempt here is to get more types of playable sounds out of each preset, rather than having a ton of presets- one has to scroll through. So there are for instance presets with thumbed to popped, hammer-ons, rasguido (scrapey back of the fingernail) or slide ups, mutes, harmonics above- all selectable from keyranges or velo switches. The composer / producer is able to do a lot just from just careful use of velocity or keyrange. 

For Reason, the Combinator 2.0 format adds editable reverb and compression. There's also a full range of rhythmic feels, strums, scrapes, velocity switched guitar body 'drum' hits, as you would use in Spanish guitar styles, choppy chordal bits and more.

Specs 24 bit / 48K 1.7G uncompressed

Price: $49.95

Product Code: FIRR1
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