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Hidden Objects EXS24 / Logic Pro

Hidden Objects EXS24 / Logic Pro

Product Information
Hidden Objects Percussion features percussive hits and loops of all sorts of real world sonic treasures, played with various articulations, featuring percussive hits and loops of sonic treasures found in the real world. Rusty iron objects clanging or scraping, rubber snapped or stretched, plastic wrap stretched and drummed upon, styrofoam rubbed or struck, huge steel bands stretched tight or being struck and boing-ing, the lids of steel drums hit and ringing like gongs, bamboo tubes and canes, sea shells clicked, rubbed and struck, aluminum cans crushed, a dull metal / tin sheet being struck, palm fronds shaken, rocks struck and falling, struck buckets and tubs, zippers being zipped and undone (scratch-like effects), bobble head dolls bobbling, resonant street lamps- struck or scraped, spiral staircases struck, hack-saws sawing rhythmically, or being struck and twanging, large carbon fiber tubes pinged, ting-ing wine and martini glasses, ice being scraped or dropped, bottles breaking and opening, water vases being popped, a jail gate being slammed shut, concrete being smashed with a sledgehammer, and much more.

Over 1000 hits, and 137 loops.


Hidden Percussion 1

Hidden Percussion 2

(the demos contain ONLY sounds in the actual library)


418 Megabytes (uncompressed)
1001 24 bit/44.1 samples
129 24 bit 44.1 Loops

Version differences:

Kontakt 2-4:

137 Kontakt Presets
129 Apple Loops / 129 Acid Wave Loops

Reason ReFill (version 4 or higher)

135 NNXT Presets
20 Combinators
1001 samples
129 REX loops
(232 Megs after 'ReFill packing')

Logic Pro/ EXS-24 Version:

137 EXS-24 Presets
1001 samples
129 Apple Loops
419 Megs, 24 bit 44.1

(note: want to install this on Garageband? Let us know...)

Price: $49.95

Product Code: HIDU9
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